STI Virtual Career Orientation Seminar: Guiding The Youth Amidst The Pandemic

The STI Virtual Career Orientation Seminar (VOCS) is a campaign developed by STI to sustain its efforts of helping today’s youth gain valuable guidance in making informed decisions towards their senior high school or college education.

Through the program, STI successfully partnered with 250 public and private schools to help it bring the STI VCOS to 60,257 high school students – surpassing its target of 35,000. Among those reached, over 40,383 students also went on to take the STI SCOPE, which serves as an evaluator to provide students a deeper understanding of their ideal career path.

Across the program’s participants, 87% claimed to have gained improved confidence in choosing their senior high or college – while 89% expressed overall satisfaction with the track or program itself. Majority of STI partner schools also expressed their gratitude towards STI for the initiative and committed to sustain its collaboration for future batches.

Due to the success of the campaign, it has been recognized by the Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP) with a Silver Anvil Awards at the 57th Anvil Awards under the category of Public Relations Tools.

Awards Won:

  • Silver Anvil Award — 57th Anvil Awards — Exhibit and Special Event — Others: Virtual Youth Orientation Services

Year Won: